Sometimes it takes a four-hour drive to be reminded how beautiful Washington state is. A couple of weekends ago, I had an assignment near Goldendale, Wash., which is near the Columbia River in south central Washington. I was there to film and photograph a man with Lou Gehrig's disease who was picking his plot a 'wilderness' cemetery. It was a stunning slice of land - 1,300 acres of ponderosa pines, rolling hills and meadows.
On the drive back to Seatle , I probably shouldn't have done what I did. I kept my camera on the driver's seat and took pictures of the highway (I did stop a couple of times).
It was a dramatic day. A storm was moving into Eastern Washington, and along with it came heavy rains. The clouds were dark like the night, but there were beams of sun shining through in some spots. The unusual rainfall this year has made the usually arid and brown-colored hills green with life.
It was beautiful.